Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste
Safely manage your hazardous waste
Our environmental management services ensures protection of the environment and human safety. Contact our team to discuss your specific hazardous waste needs.
Contact Our Expert Team
Hazardous Waste Services
Safely manage your hazardous waste
Hazardous Waste
We collect a range of hazardous waste, contact our office for more details.
Oil Interceptor Cleaning
Regular maintenance and timely action can prevent costly and unnecessary remedial action. Walsh Waste have specialised equipment and a high level of operator awareness and experience.
Sludge Management
We provide a cradle to grave Sludge Management Service, and have a team of environmental scientists at Walsh Enviro to ensure that we continually maintain our high standards.
Lagoon and Settlement Pond Cleaning
Walsh have the specialist equipment and personnel to carry out the cleaning in lagoons
Bulk Waste Removal
We have made a considerable investment over the years and businesses are now benefiting from our state-of-the-art fleet
Grease Traps Cleaning
Walsh Waste can ensure that your grease trap system operates efficiently bringing the maximum benefit for your business
Tank & Pump Station Cleaning
Walsh have a wealth of experience in the cleaning and decontamination of tanks and vessels.
Our happy Clients
Ensure protection of the environment & safely manage hazardous waste