About Septic Tank Emptying
Walsh Waste is the number 1 provider of septic tank emptying services in Galway. We have been emptying tanks since 1979, providing a comprehensive empty and clean as part of the service.
We desludge every type of treatment plant including the following: Klargester, Puraflo, Biocycle, Envirocare, and many more. If your make is not on the list, don’t worry, we can handle it.
You can extend the life of your septic tank by watching what goes into it.
- No food scraps, sands, gravel, greases, oils etc.
- Beware of chemicals and solvents that will kill the helpful bacteria in your tank.
- Finally, have your septic tank emptied or cleaned regularly to prevent sludge and scum accumulating and entering the soak away.
Before Booking Your Service
- Make sure all of the manhole covers are exposed
If they are covered in grass as they are here, you must dig the earth around the lids to expose them. A full service cannot be done through the ventilation pipes.
- Measure the distance from where your truck will be parked to your septic tank
This is to ensure the driver brings enough hose to reach your tank. If you do not have a measuring tape you can step it out.