Interceptor Emptying

Interceptor Emptying
Regular cleaning and emptying of oil or petrol interceptor systems helps to protect you against the possibility of environmental incidents.

Interceptor Emptying
Regular cleaning and emptying of oil or petrol interceptor systems helps protect you against the possibility of environmental incidents, which could be extremely costly — in fines and clean up charges, not to mention damage to the environment.
Walsh Enviro will ensure that your interceptors are emptied when necessary, at regular intervals through planned maintenance programmes. Regular interceptor cleaning and timely action can prevent costly and unnecessary remedial action.
Drainage Interceptors and Gullies Interceptors are designed to allow only water to drain from the outlets; pollutants such as fuel oil and solids stay within the confines of the interceptor.
The accumulation of oil silt debris and other miscellaneous contaminants within an interceptor increases the risk of forecourt flooding and leads to pollution and contamination of sewage systems or watercourses. In addition to this, there is the additional risk associated with holding flammable residues on site.
Slot drains are a regular feature on forecourts and regularly become blocked if not cleaned regularly. Cleaning these types of drains requires specialised equipment and a high level of operator awareness and experience.